- The 35mm negative was bought by the ICAIC, and the ICAIC provided the 16 mm negative to the director (despite being a censored project).

- The last day of shooting went underway despite a hurricane warning. It was impossible to stretch filming even one day more due to the logical financing problems.

- The collaboration of the people of the “Colon” neighbourhood made this film possible. All the actors in the film except leading and supporting actors were from the “Colon” neighbourhood. Let’s not forget that the director carried out all the pre-production and rehearsals on location.

- In one of the scenes, the dog fight, the director shot only the necessary footage to avoid any harm coming to the animals. The locals who had made real bets during the shooting of the scene asked for the dog fight to reach to the bitter end. They wanted to know who had won the bets.

- Shooting took place at several locations close to the centre of Havana. There was no expense thanks to the speed with which the team worked and the confidence and security of the director. There are scenes shot in 1:1 ( filming with permission would have elevated expenses and costs considerably).

- After the difficulties of finding the right actor on the island and following encouragement from the cast and crew, Nebra decided to take on the role. To prepare he rehearsed for several months and was then directed by his cast.

- The negative shot was smuggled  off the island in suitcases by the director. The film was later developed and post-produced in Spain.